New organic beers in store! ◆ Pinkus Mueller Organic Draft Beer ◆ Samuel Smith Organic Pale Ale ◆ Samuel Smith Organic Lager Pinkus Mueller Organic Draft Beer is reputed as a quality boutique German beer loved by health-conscious people all around the world. Samuel Smith Organic Pale Ale is an incredibly smooth-drinking beer that pairs well with vegan food! Samuel Smith Organic Lager is an unusual British lager (uses bottom fermentation) aged in a traditional oak barrel. This full-bodied beer offers a well-balanced bitterness and nuance of malt – delicious on its own! All beers are priced at only ¥700 per bottle! How would you like an ice cold beer now? 😏 #ビール #オーガニック #オーガニックビール #からだにやさしい #無農薬 #有機 #ビールが好き #クラフトビール #ビール党 #ビール🍺 #生ビール #ビール #ビール女子 #東京 #クラフトビール #ドイツビール #暮らし #カフェ飲み #beer #lager #organicbeer #germanbeer #pinkusmueller #draftbeer #samuelsmith #lager #icecoldbeer