Charity工場 vol.6***
ポールマッカートニーなど海外のセレブ達もサポートするMeat Free Mondayなどを発足・推進するアニマルライツセンターの岡田理事のお話を伺います!
Charity Factory vol.6
This time, Mr. Okada of Animal Right’s Center will have a speech about “Meat Free Monday” which not only Mr. Okada established and is promoting but also global celebrities, Paul McCartney etc. are supporting.
Do you know origins of meat or eggs we eat usual? Think how we can choose the food by learning example and actual situation of Animal Husbandry.
Date: Aug. 23rd Thu. 19:30-21:30 (The reception starts at 19:00.)
Need to order 1 drink.
We look forward to seeing you!